Kamis, 24 Februari 2011

Masonic Conspiracy Theory

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The Masonic Lodge

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When I became a Christian I decided to find more about the Masonic lodge. I was a member for 18 years and held every position in the lodge including Worshipful Master six times, a 32* member of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite, and a Shriner. I loved my lodge and had many good friends who were fine upstanding members of the community. Being a Mason I had friends all over the world. If I saw a Masonic ring all I had to do is say the right words and I had an instant friend who would go out of his way to help me. Hey!, My grandfather, father, father-in-law, and brother are all Masons. I remember as a child sitting in those big chairs wishing I could be a Mason and know all of the dark secrets that dad couldn't tell me about. I also had an elderly friend who was about 92 years old when he told me that before he died he wanted to see me become a Mason.
When I first heard that the Masonic Lodge was not consistent with the Christian belief my first reaction was, "I don't believe it!". I've always believed in Jesus Christ and didn't see anything wrong with what we were doing. I knew all of the rituals of the Blue Lodge and everything was just "play-acting" when we did them. So, I decided to look into this and show Christians how good of an organization Masonry is. It took almost a year of studying, researching and prayer to come up with my decision- Deep inside I knew what I had to do for my Heavenly Father and Savior. The decision part was easy but informing my friends and family that I could no longer be part of the Masonic organization was a very difficult task
In the Blue Lodge, which is the foundation and requirement for all divisions pertaining to Masonry, any man, except an Atheist, madman, or a fool, may become a member. The rituals continually refer to the Supreme Architect of the Universe or God. The problem is that this God could be Buddha, Ra, Molech, Baal, or Satan himself. In Exodus 20:3&5 God says: "You shall have no other gods before me." "For I, the Lord your God, am a jealous God." As the candidate goes through the degrees he is informed that he is not yet in light.
If one reads Ephesians 5:6-12, Paul writes: " Let no one deceive you with empty words, for because of these things the wrath of God comes upon the sons of disobedience. Therefore do not be partakers with them. For you were formerly in darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Walk as children of the light (for the fruit of the light consists in all goodness and righteousness and truth) trying to learn what is pleasing to the Lord. And do not participate in the unfruitful deeds of darkness, but instead even expose them. For it is disgraceful even to speak of the things which are done by them in secret."
In each degree the candidate must take an oath swearing that if he, or any other brother, reveals any of the secrets of that or any other degree, they will be executed in a brutal fashion. In Matthew 5: 3437, Jesus says: "But I say unto you, make no oath at all, either by heaven, for it is the throne of God, or by the earth, for it is the footstool of his feet, or by Jerusalem, for it is the city of the Great King. for you cannot make one hair white or black. But let your statement be, 'yes, yes' or "no, no"; and anything beyond these is of evil." Also, Paul says in l Corinthians, 3:16-17: "Do you not know that you are the temple of God, and that the spirit of God dwells in you? If any man destroys the temple of God, God will destroy him, for the temple of God is holy, and that is what you are."
. After receiving the first three degrees of Masonry, the Mason is now eligible to enter into the York Rite and or the Scottish Rite. In the Royal Arch degree of the York Rite, the Companion Captain of the Host is asked if he is a Royal Arch Mason and he replies "I am, that I am.". Moses, in Exodus 3:13, asked God what name he should give to the people of Israel when they asked what the name of this god is that he brings to them. God replied: "I am that I am." Also in the York Rite ritual, in the raising of the Royal Arch three men join hands in such a manner to form a bungle, then the first person says Yah, the second, Bell, and the thud, On- Yah stands for Yahweh which is another of the many names of our God the father of Jesus Christ, Bel, is the name of Baal, a pagan deity. And On or Om, the name of an the Egyptian deity.
Also, In the Scottish Rite, one of the officer's title is Rabboni which is a name given to Jesus by Mary Magdalene found in John 20:16. The using of his name and combining it with other gods or pagan deities would seem to make any Christian understand that this would certainly be blasphemous. Masonry also tells the candidate in the third degree lecture that he will enter into the kingdom of God by his own merits. In Ephesians 2:8-9 Paul says: "For it is by grace that you have been saved, through faith and this not from yourselves, it is a gift of God-not by works, so that no one can boast.".
I once counseled a friend through all three degrees of the Blue Lodge. I was excited when he came up to me and told me that he was no longer a Mason, but was saved. He then went on to tell me when he became a Mason he thought that he was automatically going to heaven because of all the information that was given in the three degrees.
In conclusion, I called the Grand Lodge of Ohio and asked if I could talk about Jesus Christ in lodge and if we could end our prayers in Jesus' name. Their answer was a definite no because not only Christians are Masons, but so are Jews, Moslems, Hindus and etc. I encourage anyone who is a Mason, to look into these facts and compare them with the Word that God gave us. The Masons do a lot of good things for the community and encourage brotherly love just as Christians should share.
Many Masons don't take the oaths seriously and don't even remember the rituals that they went through. But, as a Christian and the facts that have been presented, being a part. of Masonry should be out of the question. I thank you for your time and attention and hope that this has helped you in your understanding of Masonry and its conflict with Christianity. Please feel free to contact me if you would like any further information.

Masonic Symbolism & Its Meanings

The Secret Meaning Of Freemasonry Symbols
freemasons history freemasonry secrets

One of the most prominent, and yet deceptive, aspects of Freemasonry is its symbolism. This imagery, like the teaching and practices of the Order, was inherited directly from the occult and is universally recognised. Its true significance is disguised beneath a thick veil of secrecy, mystery and deception; nevertheless, as we analyse the mystical nature of the symbolism employed within Freemasonry it is not difficult to recognise its occult origins.
Freemasonry is widely accepted as the largest and most influential occult body existing throughout the world today, and has inherited its imagery, known as esoteric (or occult) symbolism, directly from the fountainhead of the pagan ancient mysteries. Evangelical author of 'Christ the Christian and Freemasonry', and himself an Ulsterman, W.J. McK. McCormick states, "Whatever rite or symbol we examine in Masonry, in spite of protests well-meaning or otherwise, from those who have been deceived, we find that it derives its true origin and meaning from the Ancient Mysteries" (p. 94).

The Dualistic Nature of Masonic Symbols:

Masonic symbols, masonic lodge, symbolismAll occult symbolism is in fact dualistic in meaning or interpretation, in that, it has an exoteric or outward meaning (known to the masses) and an esoteric or hidden meaning (known only to the elect few). Occultist Fredrick Goodman in his book 'Magical Symbols' (p. 6) explains: The true magic symbol is an image which hides an inner meaning. This meaning is usually cunningly hidden behind a form which most people think they can understand immediately."
He further states that, "True magical symbols are 'disguises' for ideas, how their forms are so arranged as to provide a clue to some hidden meaning. The 'hidden meanings' are often very subtle, and an ability to recognise magical symbols must be developed by anyone who wishes to seek these out" (p. 11).
Christian authority on Freemasonry E.M. Storms, in his book 'Should a Christian be a Mason?' (p. 43) states, "Nowhere in Masonry is the 'brother' more cleverly deceived than in the presentation of its varied and ancient symbols. Most symbols are dualistic in nature and Masonic symbols are no exception. Behind all Masonic symbolism there is an undisclosed occult interpretation of which most Freemasons are ignorant."
The ironic fact is both evangelical and Masonic authorities are at complete agreement on the deceptive nature of secret society symbolism. The most authoritative Masonic writer ever, was held to be Albert Pike (1809-1891). He rose to Sovereign Grand Commander of the Supreme Council of the thirty-third degree (Mother council of the World) and Supreme Pontiff of Universal Freemasonry.
In his book 'Morals and Dogma' (accepted universally as 'the bible' of Freemasonry) Pike admits: "Masonry like all religions, all the Mysteries, Hermeticism and Alchemy, conceals its secrets from all except the Adepts and Sages, or the Elect and uses false explanations and misinterpretations of its symbols to mislead those who deserve to be misled; to conceal the Truth which it calls Light, from them, and to draw them away from it.
He further states, "The Blue Degrees are but the outer court or portico of the Temple. Part of the symbols are displayed there to the Initiate, but he is intentionally misled by false interpretations. It is not intended that he shall understand them, but it is intended that he shall imagine he understands them" ('Final Notice' by Barry Smith pp. 328-329).
It is these dualistic symbols that disguise a hidden occult significance, and are in reality the devil's dirty imprints.

The Official Explanation On Freemasonry Logo:

Masonic symbolism, freemasonry, square and compassesWe will begin with the symbol most commonly associated with Freemasonry. The Square, Compasses and Letter 'G'. Here we encounter the first problem. No individual can speak for Freemasonry, an individual may only express a personal view which may, or may not, be shared by other Freemasons. 

In the same way 'Freemasonry' does not impose meanings of its' symbols although many have obtained a general acceptance as to what they represent. In Scotland, however, Masonic symbolism is often different from that which pertains furth of the kingdom and the meaning of them several.

To return to the Square, Compasses and Letter 'G'. In many countries the Letter 'G' is taken to mean God, the Supreme Being, and whilst it is an interpretation held by many Freemasons it is not a universal view. There are some faiths which have an aversion to depicting the Supreme Being in any physical form whatsoever. For such individuals the Letter 'G' simply cannot stand for the God of their faith.

Masonic symbolism freemason symbolsAs Scottish Freemasonry does not impose the meaning of symbols (which would smack of dogma) on members, each individual is free to interpret them according to their own views.

Thus some take the Letter 'G' to represent GOODNESS, the essential goodness of Freemasonry and of humankind. Others argue that the letter 'G' stands for GEOMETRY the basis of the operative craft that gave birth to modern Freemasonry.

There is one Scottish Rosslyn Templar who argues vociferously that the Letter 'G' indicates GREEGRIMENT, an old Scots word meaning harmony or concord, and who are we to argue with such an appropriate interpretation?  There are other interpretations but these are, as far as we are aware, the three main ones, four if one includes the latter opinion. There are some countries, notably England, that no longer use the Letter 'G'.


mason symbols all-seeing eye  illuminati
Freemasonry employs a mystical eye in its imagery known throughout the occult world as "the all-seeing eye." This symbol which is shared with most false religions, cults and occult bodies today has always been used as a symbol of 'deity'. Occultist Fredrick Goodman explains that, "The eye plays a most important part in occult symbolism and probably owes its origin in western magical designs to the Eye of Horus, which was one of the most frequently used of Egyptian magical symbols" (Magical Symbols p. 101).
The Masonic third degree lecture teaches that the "All-Seeing Eye whom the Sun Moon and Stars obey, and under whose watchful care even comets perform their stupendous revolutions, beholds the innermost recesses of the human heart, and will reward us according to our works" (Beyond The Light' p. 136).

Here, whilst addressing the subject of the all-seeing eye, Freemasonry once again outlines its erroneous teaching of 'salvation through an upright character and good works'. This is in complete violation of Scripture which teaches: "Knowing that a man is not justified by the works of the law, but by the faith of Jesus Christ, even we have believed in Jesus Christ, that we might be justified by the faith of Christ, and not by the works of the law: for by the works of the law shall no flesh be justified" (Galatians 2:16).
The peculiar Masonic teaching that surrounds this esoteric symbol, not surprisingly, disguises an occult meaning. Evangelical author of 'Guardians of the Grail' J.R. Church states, "The symbol may represent a god, but it is not the God of the Bible. It is a human eye indicating that man is god. It represents so-called 'mind power', the ability to manipulate one's world with thought" (p. 165).
Occultist Fredrick Goodman writes that, "the eye relates to the 'God within' to the higher spiritual guardian who can 'see' the purpose of man's life, and in some mysterious way guide him" (Magical Symbols p. 101).
J.R. Church further points out that, "Many modern groups, though not related through organisation structure, nevertheless, claim to be offshoots of the original so-called Mystery Religion. They practice and believe the same so-called Secret Doctrine. Some organisations may even appear to be enemies, but their underlying philosophy is the same. They appear to be tributaries of the mainstream Babylonian philosophy. They all carry the same symbols, such as the All Seeing Eye, and believe in the same so-called Secret Doctrine." (p. 161) He also explains that "It is the symbol of the Illuminati, as well as the symbol of the Rosicrucians" (p. 165).


masonic symbols 5 pointed star  illuminati
The five-pointed star, known as the pentagram, is probably the most blatant occult symbol in use today. Witches Janet and Stewart Farrar explain that the five-pointed star is "one of the main symbols of witchcraft and occultism in general" ('Hidden Secrets of the Eastern Star' p. 82). The star itself is known by different names throughout the occult world, such as a witch's foot, a goblin's cross, a wizard's star and the dog star. Wiccan witches use its five points to mystically represent the elements of nature, earth, fire, water, air and spirit.
This symbol is one of the most prominent emblems within Freemasonry, though its significance, like every symbol inherited from the occult, is concealed behind a smokescreen of secret society ambiguity.

The five-pointed star is found on most Masonic memorabilia and represents the blasphemous resurrection rite of the five points of fellowship, each point mystically symbolising a part of the resurrection act. First - Foot to foot. Second - Knee to knee. Third - Hand in hand. Fourth - Breast to breast. Fifth and last - Left hand behind back.
The symbol is normally seen within Masonry with the single point pointing upwards denoting its association with white witchcraft. However, like the Orange Order and Mormonism, Freemasonry uses the five-pointed star as an esoteric representation of the five points of fellowship - which is a blasphemous resurrection rite with these bodies.
In the 'Dictionary of Mysticism' by Frank Gaynor we learn that the five-pointed star "is considered by occultists to be the most potent means of conjuring spirits. When a single point of the star points upward, it is regarded as the sign of the good and a means to conjure benevolent spirits; when the single point points down and a pair of points are on top, it is a sign of the evil (Satan) and is used to conjure powers of evil" ('Hidden Secrets of the Eastern Star' p. 84).
Lewis Spence states in 'An Encyclopaedia of Occultism': "This symbol has been used by all secret and occult societies, by the Rosicrucians, the Illuminati, down to the Freemasons today" ('Should a Christian be a Mason?' p. 53).
The book of Acts tells us how the disobedient children of Israel brought such imagery into the camp and how God dealt with it: "Then God turned, and gave them up to worship the host of heaven; as it is written in the book of the prophets, O ye house of Israel, have ye offered to me slain beasts and sacrifices by the space of forty years in the wilderness? Yea, ye took up the tabernacle of Moloch, and the star of your god Remphan, figures which ye made to worship them: and I will carry you away beyond Babylon" (Acts 7:42-43).


freemasonry symbols masonic sun moon and stars
The sun, moon and stars, known in Scripture as the host of heaven, are found to be to the fore of Masonic imagery. These heathenish emblems, which have always been associated with Baal worship, are also found prominently displayed today within most New Age shops. It is not surprising to find such imagery spread widely throughout the occult world. Paganism has always showed its trinities in art by the sun (with a face) representing the male sun god, the moon (with a face) representing the moon goddess (or queen of heaven) and the all-seeing eye representing their offspring.
The children of Israel were often seen turning towards these objects of idolatry at times of great apostasy in Scripture. Such a time is revealed in II Kings 17:16, where "they left all the commandments of the LORD their God, and made them molten images, even two calves, and made a grove, and worshipped all the host of heaven, and served Baal."


masonic symbols secrets
Albert Pike states within Morals and Dogma [page 631-32] that the Monad [#1] is male, and the Duad [#2] is female.  Their sexual union produces the Triad [#3], which is "represented by the letter 'G', the generative principle."  This term, "generative principle," is code for the sex act.
freemasonry map of washington secrets

The lines of Washington D.C. intersect.
mason symbolism point and ciricle freemasonry
The point and the circle carries a sexual connotation.  Another Masonic author states that this symbol is used in Sun Worship, and then says: "The female principle, symbolized by the moon, assumed the form of a lunette [small circular opening], or crescent, while the male principle, symbolized by the sun, assumed the form of the lingam [Phallus] and placed himself erect in the center of the lunette, like the mast of a ship." ["Point Within A Circle," Short Talk Bulletin , August, 1931, Masonic Bulletin designed to read within the Lodges, p. 4]
masonic symbols - egyptians illuminati
Masonic author, R.H. MacKenzie, states that "among Egyptians, the base [of the triangle] represented Osiris, or the Male Principle; the perpendicular, Isis, or the Female Principle; and the hypotenuse, Horus, their son ..." [Kenneth R.H. MacKenzie, The Royal Masonic Cyclopaedia of History, Rites, Symbolism, and Biography , New York, J.W. Bouton, 1877, p. 743] Thus, you can see that the hypotenuse was conceived as a result of the sexual union of the base and the perpendicular. Within Masonic symbolism, the sex act is portrayed as the union of the perpendicular and the base.

Freemasonry uses many other esoteric symbols such as the 'blindfold,' the 'sword pointing to the heart,' a 'mystical ladder,' 'a coffin' and many more. All these symbols carry a hidden occult significance, which can only be comprehended by acquiring esoteric knowledge provided during ritual initiation. This teaching and imagery is common to all secret societies and is shared also with Mormonism and the New Age movement.

Rabu, 23 Februari 2011

All About Pentagram

The Pentacle/Pentagramยน    

Star of life, Witches' foot, Blazing star, Pentalpha, Druid's Root,
Witches' cross, Witches' star, Endless knot, and to some:
Satan star, Goblin's cross

For many, the pentacle is an emblem of paganism. Many (including myself) wear a pentacle pendant, ring, or some other type of jewelry as a symbol of their religion - a tangible affirmation of their beliefs.

What is it?

A pentagram is a 5 pointed star, the lines used in drawing it still intact. A pentacle is a pentagram enclosed in a circle.
In Wicca, when "pentacle/gram" is mentioned it is almost always meaning the "upright" type - one point at the top and two at the bottom. When this is the other way round the pentacle/gram is said to be "inverted". This tends to be avoided by many Wiccans, as we'll see later.

The pentacle is always drawn in one continuous stroke, earning it the title the "endless knot".

NOTE: Some say that a "pentacle" is when it is a physical object, whilst a "pentagram" is a drawing or diagram. Others say "pentacle" refers only to a paton - a magickal tool. In this text, a "pentacle" is the encircled type, whilst a "pentagram" is unencircled.

What are it's meanings?

(My Pentalpha)
  • My interpretation is shown above - that of a portrayal of the 4 magickal elements under Spirit:
    • EARTH: (lower left hand corner) represents stability and physical endurance. FIRE: (lower right hand corner) represents courage and daring. WATER: (upper left hand corner) represents emotions and intuition. AIR: (upper right hand corner) represents intelligence and the arts.
      : (at the topmost point) represents the ONE and the Divine.
  • This, while encircled, is a magickal "diagram" of the Universe; the circle symbolizes completeness, or the All, and the 5 points are the components of this. All are equal and in balance.
  • "As above, so below" - as with the universe so with people. The whole person, made up (ideally) of all components in balance. You can see it makes the shape of a person, reinforcing the idea of both this balance inside ourselves AND the Law "as above so below";
  • Another way of looking at this is that it is a "map" of our place in the universe - as a smaller part of it, not an entity separate from it. We have our little "person" figure, fitted so perfectly with this circle that represents the universe as to be a part of it.
  • Some say this is shown by Leonardo da Vinci's drawing -

Da Vinci's Man

  • This is a graphic portrayal of Spirit over the physical elements - some consider this a goal.
  • The pentacle has always been counted as very protective. In medieval times it was used as a protection against demons, and it is worn, visualized or placed around the house by modern-day Wiccans to protect.
  • It is associated with the underground (perhaps this is it's link to Earth, which it represents?). In Egypt it was a symbol of "the underground womb" (yup, sounds like Earth all right..), the pagan Celts ascribed it to the underground goddess Morrigan, and to the Greeks it was the symbol of Kore (Persephone), who descends into the Underworld each year.
  • To me, this Kore connection gives it the association of rebirth and hope. As it was poetically put - "Kore was dragged into the underworld an innocent, but emerges a queen.". Kore not only descends into the underworld - she emerges  (is reborn) from it, and this gives us Spring.
  • Some say it was the symbol of Godhead to the Druids.
  • To the Christians, until relatively recently (the "Burning Times"), it was a secondary symbol of their faith (used with or instead of the cross). This is because it symbolized the 5 wounds of Christ on the cross - one in each palm/wrist, one on each ankle and those made by the crown of thorns. The spear wound wasn't counted as Christ was dead at the time.
  • To the Jews it represented the 5 books of Moses - the Pentateuch. NOTE: it is NOT the "star of Solomon", although it is sometimes said to be. The Star of Solomon has 6 points.
  • In Ancient Mesopotamia, it was symbolic of the imperial power extending out to "the 4 corners of the world".
  • In many, many cultures it was a symbol of knowledge and truth. (I seem to recall a story of a well with 5 streams coming from it, and 5 salmon?) In some cases, forbidden knowledge.
  • It is strongly associated with the apple, because when you cut an apple horizontally through the middle, you get a 5 pointed star. (The apple is often seen as a symbol of knowledge - remember the Adam & Eve story!)
  • It is called the "Star of Life". It's interesting to note that 5-fold symmetries are almost exclusively (but oh-so-commonly) found in living organisms. (5 fingers, 5 toes, many flowers, starfish, apple, etc.) Also see point about the Fibonacci numbers later on.
  • It is a union of male and female principals. The circle is considered feminine, the "sticks" masculine. The inner space & circle the womb, the points the male organs.
  • This is also shown with 5 being a union of the feminine 2, and masculine 3. OR, if you prefer - the masculine 2 and feminine 3; It is believed that homosexuals bring an equal amount of essence of both the male and the female, thusly maintaining the balance.
  • To some it is not one point on top, but 3! These represent the trinity - most notably in Wicca the Triple Goddess. The lower points can be taken to represent either duality/polarity, or the "dark and light twins" of the God -
  • Thus the two noted cycled of the Wiccan belief system are represented. The "Triple Goddess" cycle of the moon (Maiden, Mother, Crone) and the "God" cycle of the sun (and the year). A common legend of the year is when it is split into 2 halves - summer & winter - ruled by the "Oak King" (light) and the "Holly King" (dark). These are 2 aspects of the God.
  • Pythagoras considered the pentacle an emblem of perfection. It  was called the "pentalpha" by Pythagoreans, who used it as a symbol to recognize each other during persecution. "Pentalpha" means "5 Alphas" - because it looks like 5 "Alphas" (A) linked together. Alpha is the 1st letter in the Greek Alphabet.
  • To the Gnostics it was the "blazing star", relating to the magick and mystery of the night sky.
  • The pentagram used to be a symbol of the Masonic Guilds ("expert stonemasons initiated into Mystery Schools learning which included sacred geometry." It was later used as the symbol of the sitting Past Master of the Lodge.
Past Master's Jewel
  • The woman's branch of freemasonry, (The Order Of The Eastern Star), uses it inverted, as it's emblem - each point represented a heroine in the Bible.
The Order Of The Eastern Star
  • It can be taken to represent the 5 stages of life; Birth - the beginning, Initiation - blossoming of the Maiden, Consummation - the Mother or fertile prime, Waning - the Crone, and Death. The cycle goes round - even Death leads on to Birth.
  • In medieval times it symbolized the 5 "knightly virtues" - Piety, Chastity, Generosity, Courtesy, Chivalry. Sir Gawain had it for his symbol.
  • The points can be made to represent many things. Two examples from Starhawk's "Spiral Dance" are the "pearl" pentacle - Love, Wisdom, Knowledge, Law, Power; and the "iron" pentacle - Sex, Self, Passion, Pride, and Power.
  • A pentacle crafted of silver is said to represent lunar energies and the Moon, a pentacle crafted of gold is said to represent the solar energies and the Sun.
  • The pentacle is acknowledged as a symbol of Earth, especially when crafted of copper or clay.
  • Because of Earth associations, it is sometimes used to draw wealth and luck.
  • Represents the 5 traditional manifestations of the Horned God - human, bull, ram, goat, stag.
  • Symbol of the mind controlling the body - the mind (and "spirit") is on top.
  • And here's one I thought of, but I haven't seen before; It is a magickal belief I've heard voiced (In "Spiral Dance", for example, although I recall hearing it elsewhere..) that what we take as being separate things are in fact just lots and LOTS of connections and relationships of little bits. (think,  person = a bunch of atoms, relating and arranged in a certain way.) We connect certain parts of the circle (the All), and we have a "person". Magic/k!

Significances of the number 5:

  • Almost exclusively found in living things (in the natural world)
  • 5 commonly acknowledged senses - touch, smell, taste, hearing and sight
  • Ireland had 5 great roads, 5 provinces and 5 paths of law
  • The Faery Folk are said to count by 5s
  • Celtic Mythological figures wore 5-fold cloaks
  • 5 were the wounds of Christ on the cross - 2 on ankles, 2 on hands/wrists, and those caused by the crown of thorns (counted as 1)
  • 5 vowels - A, E, I, O, U
  • 5 virtues of medieval knight - courtesy, chastity, chivalry, generosity, piety
  • The Wiccan Kiss is 5 fold - feet, knees, womb, heart, lips.
  • 5 is associated with Mars
  • It is argued we originally counted by 5s - using our fingers.
  • Combines the feminine 2 (even numbers are "feminine" because they are "open" - (:  ::  :::)  odd are "masculine" because when drawn they are "pointy" ( :.  ::.  :::.)) with the masculine 3. Because we're randy buggers. *grin*

Of the placement of the magickal elements:

NOTE: This is not the universal arrangement. It seems to be the one that is most common, however, and it is that one that rings true to me. As shown in the first diagram, the elements are often placed in the order; Spirit - top, Water - top left, Fire - bottom right, Earth - bottom left, Air - top right.

I've found certain patterns in this placement;
  • The elements traditionally belonging to a certain sex (Fire & Air are "masculine", Water and Earth are "feminine") are connected by an unending line, and thusly are not really next to each other. In other words, like in primary school Phys Ed lines it alternates "boy, girl, boy, girl" when reading in the intended order. As, in alchemy, feminine elements are also "cold" and masculine elements are also "hot", it alternates "hot and cold" elements as well;
  • This sequence and order is the sequence of the elements in the astrological Zodiac as well, although in astrology we start on Fire. The sequence in astrology is "Fire, Water, Air, Earth", which as you can see travels around the pentacle.
  • Those vertically in line on the left have "crossed" alchemical symbols, and those vertically in line on the right are both "plain";
  • The elements vertically in line are also alchemical opposites. i.e.. one is "moist" and one is "dry", one is "hot" and one is "cold". They don't share an alchemical trait.
  • The elements horizontally in line share the alchemical traits of moist/dry. Those on the upper left and right are both moist (and "flowing"), and those on the lower left and right are both dry (and "fixed")
The Pentacle, the Golden Ratio and the Fibonacci Sequence:

It's interesting to note the relationship of the perfect pentacle with the so-called "Golden Ratio/Proportion".

The Golden Ratio was valued by artists since the Renaissance as forming the rectangle most pleasing to the eye. (I seem to recall hearing once that the ancient Greeks used it as well, but don't quote me.) The ratio between the height and length of the rectangle was the Golden Ratio, which was - "the ratio of height and length is the same as that of length to the sum of width and height."

This ratio is 1.618 approximately, and is called phi.

What this means is that you can create a new rectangle, using the length of the old one as the height, and the length of this new rectangle will be the sum of the length and height of the old if you keep the same proportion. You can create a spiral from these rectangles, by adding a square with proportions that were the length;
Fibonacci's Sequence
The series of lengths & heights of the rectangles formed by this is also interesting because it forms the basis of the Fibonacci Sequence. The Fibonacci Sequence is a sequence of numbers where the next is gained by adding the previous two together. i.e.;  1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, etc.

Once you get to 3 & 5 and beyond, divide one number by it's predecessor and the answer will always float around phi.

Why do we care about the Fibonacci Sequence? Because the numbers in it are renowned for often appearing in nature - from the number of petals in flowers, to the bumps on a pineapple to the bits of a pine cone.

And how do these fit with the Pentacle? The pentacle contains the Golden Ratio. The part of a line that makes up one of the sides of one of the triangles, divided by the part of a line that makes up the central pentagon gives you the Golden Ratio. And so on. i.e.
Golden Ratio
r / s = phi

Try it and see! It's best to make a hypothetical pentacle to save measuring errors. Personally, I think this is a very fascinating and interesting point.
Inverted vs. Upright:

Although nowadays many people (pagans included) associate the inverted pentacle with evil, and the upright with good, this is a relatively recent development. Because of the negativity strongly surrounding the inverted pentacle, I personally think it's unwise to use it (and definitely NOT in public sight!), and the "upright = use, inverted = don't" policy is a nice, clean way of defining things. However, here are some of the meanings and uses of the inverted pentacle.
  • The inverted pentacle represented winter, whilst the upright represented summer.
  • It is a symbol of Gardnarian 2nd degree initiation. Some say this represents the need of a Witch to face the shadows within so it won't rise up unexpectedly later.
  • Some use the inverted pentacle for banishment/binding/waning moon magick.
  • With the point that represents both the head and Spirit at the bottom, and fire and earth at the top, it can be taken to represent physical & material wealth and gratification above all else.
  • It was Eliphas Levi who first interpreted the inverted pentacle as "evil". (He was an ex-abbe with occult knowledge who floated around in the 19th century. His real name was Alphonse Louis Constant.) He showed a picture of the uninverted pentacle with a man within (this is the "good" version) next to an inverted pentacle with a goat's head within (the "bad" one.) This goat's head is said to belong to Baphomet, an idol "demon" worshipped early in the millennia. These are Levi's drawings;
Levi's Drawings
  • This "goats head" connection is played on by Satanists. The shape of the lines in an inverted pentacle can be seen as forming an Evil Horned Beaste;
  • Some pagans see this and interpret it not as a demon, but the Horned God. Added to this, when the pentacle is inverted the two points interpreted as representing the God are on top. Thus, to some, the inverted pentacle is a symbol of the God, the upright is the symbol of the Goddess.
  • It could be said that the "Baphomet" image is what drew Anton LaVey into adopting the inverted pentacle as a symbol of the faith he created in 1966 - the Church of Satan.
Pentacle  Pentagram

Pentacle (encircled) vs. Pentagram (open):

It is said that the pentagram signifies openness (about your beliefs, presumably), and sometimes aggressiveness. An open, active approach to your beliefs. On the other hand, a circled pentagram suggests that which is protected or hidden (self-contained.)

The circle represents eternity, infinity and completeness, as well as the cycles of nature. An example of this self-containedness could perhaps be in the reputed use of the pentacle to contain demons/entities. (I've heard this refuted by some, though..) The pentacle, in my limited experience, seems to be the more popular and used form of the pente.

The circle "stresses our connection with the universe as a whole", and I agree that the "as above, so below" viewpoint is not really represented by the open pentacle.

It could also be argued that the protective qualities of the pentacle are not there (or as strong) in the unenclosed version.
Invoking vs. Banishing:

Invoking (Deosil)

In witchcraft this is the ritual act of moving
around a circle in a clockwise direction.

To call the spirits one starts at Spirit tracing to Fire (1), tracing to Water (2), tracing to Air (3), tracing to Earth (4), tracing to Spirit (5), and finishing the pentagram with Fire (6); This is invoking  power to begin a meditation. The Fire attracts the Sprits.

  Banishing (Widdershins)

In witchcraft this is the ritual act of moving
around a circle in a counter clockwise direction.
To dismiss the spirits one starts at Spirit tracing to Earth (1), tracing to Air (2), tracing to Water (3), tracing to Fire (4), tracing to Spirit (5), and finishing the pentagram with Earth (6). (This is called "grounding" - Letting the energy created by invocation be dissipated back into the Earth.
Cinosam, That's my Wiccan name!
The Rule of Three
Ever mind the Rule of Three
Three times what thou givest returns to thee
This lesson well, thou must learn
Thee only gets what thou dost earn!
The Tameran Wiccan (Egyptian Eclectic Wiccan):

ISIS                                                         RA
My Ankh

More on 'pentagram is'

Pentagram/Pentacle - the pentagram
To some people the very word pentagram conjuses up thoughts of evil. The association of pentagrams with devil worship is relatively recent.

The pentagram is one of the most potent, powerful, and persistent symbols in human history. It has been important to almost every ancient culture, from the Mayans of Latin America, to India, China, Greece, and Egypt. It has been found scratched on the walls of Neolithic caves, and in babylonian drawings, where it marks the patern the planet Venus makes on its traves - a secret symbol of the Goddess Ishtar.

The earliest pentagrams wer rough diagrams found scratched into stone age caves. While they are believed to have some spiritual significance, the meaning of the star-shape to early humans remains a mystery. In the civilizations that followed, it held different meanings, usually astronomical and religious. Pentagrams served to mark directions in Sumerian texts, and represented the five visible planets. Later, it was the sign of the goddess Venus and the Goddess.

A pentagram is a five pointed star. Because it can be drawn with a single line, it has also been called the Endless Knot.
A pentacle is a pentagram with a circle drawn around it. It can be made of wood, stone, metal or clay. It is a powerfull symbol of protection, there is usualy one on a witches altar.

According to the Greek mathematition and philosopher Pythagoras, five was the number of man, because of the fivefold divition of the body. According to Pythagoras, the five points each represent one of the five elements that make up man: fire, water, air, earth and psyche. (energy, fluid, breath, matter and mind)
The Pythagoreans held the pentacle sacred to Hygeia, the Goddess of healing, whose name (HGIEiA) was an anagram for the elements water, earth, spirit, fire and air.
This particular symbolism has persisted for centuries, and has greatly influenced theologies of diverse traditions. Later, the pentacle was important to many doctrines of esoteric Medieval and Renaissance belief systems - alchemy, kabbalah, and Ceremonial magick.

Ritual magicians, like the Greeks, used the Pentagram as a microcosm of the human body. Ritual magick was used to create a state of closeness with god through the use of symbols and rituals to imitate the divine state.

In the twelfth century, because of the writings of Hildegard of Bingen, a Benedictine nunn and abbess, the pentagram became the central symbol symbol of the microcosmos, the reflection of Earth of the divine plan and the divine image.

Hildegard of Bingen saw the pentagram as representing the human form because we have five sences - sight, smell, hearing taste and touch. And because we have five "members" two legs, two arms and a head. And, because humankind was made in God's image, she also saw the pentagram as representing God.

Other Christians saw the pentagram as representing the five wounds of Christ. As such it was considered a potent protection against evil, and because it could be drawn with one continious movement of the pen, the Alpha and the Omega as one.

It was also an expression of a secret Gnostic heresy, found hidden here and there throughout Christian history - a symbol of Isis/Venus as the secret goddess, the female principle.
The most notable instance of this symbolism is in the Arthurian Grail romances, which are Gnostic and kabbalistic teachings disguised as talese of knightly quests.
The pentacle as a symbol of the feminine principle was also embodied by the rose. The small, five petalled roses found
...in many gothic cathedral ornamentation are not-so-secret pentagrams.

During the Inquisition, the pentagram first became associated with evil and the devil in the form of Baphomet, a goatlike creature thought to be a demon or a representation of the devil. In the popular imagination of the time, the pentagram was thought to represent the head of this goat, the devil, or a witch's foot.

Today the pentagram and the pentacle are symbols of the Wiccan faith and of Neo-Paganism.

A "point down" pentacle is nothing new - nor is it necessarily Satanic when it appears as such. Historical depictions of the pentagram were likely to be points down as point up - a distinction by one or the other was rarely made by the ancients.
Even today, one must not assume a point down pentagram is Satanic, as it is likely to be Masonic, Wiccan, or simply upside-down.
Some inexperienced Wiccans will occasionally claim that a point down pentacle is Satanic, but such a symbol has at times represented the Wiccan horned God, and is still today an emblem of the Second Degree initiation in Gardnerian Wicca.

Masonic Myths and Falsehoods

Masonic myths and outright falsehood are continually spread concerning Freemasonry. This is an attempt to set and keep the history of the Craft straight.
Throughout the centuries Freemasonry has taught its valuable lessons through allegory and symbols. The man from Galilee used parables extensively and well. Many historians and better speakers constantly employ anecdotes to illustrate the points they want to make. These methods emphasize the search for truth in an interesting and factual manner.
Myths on the other hand, can be innocent or dangerous. They can be outright lies or the perpetuation of distortions handed down through the generations. Many of these were invented by Masonic writers and speakers to enhance the image of Freemasonry. Some of these corruptions have caused the Craft problems with creditable historians because they were outrageous lies.
Freemasonry, actually, requires no exaggeration to magnify its greatness. The simple truth is all that is required to tell its story. This is the reason for this page; to attempt to destroy the myths that have been prevalent, often for centuries, by telling the truth.

Myth: Freemasonry is a religion.

Fact: Absolutely false. This is one of several arguments employed by certain religious fanatics in an attempt to discredit Freemasonry. They quote Albert Pike and Henry Wilson Coil, among others, neither of whom was a man of the cloth, to "prove" their statements. Pike was not a researcher. Most of the hundreds of thousands of words he wrote came from his own mind, or the minds of others whom he never mentioned but with whom he agreed. Coil wrote millions of words about Freemasonry, and he was a lawyer and an excellent Masonic researcher. Most of the time the words of these and other writers are taken out of context to "prove" the thesis of the anti-Masons. Freemasonry's enemies conveniently ignore the thousands of Christian ministers, and some Rabbis, who prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that Freemasonry, although religious is far from being a religion. Here are just three of these Doctors of Divinity who have proven the critics in error: Joseph Fort Newton, Norman Vincent Peal and Forrest D. Haggard.
Our purpose as freemasons is not that of a religion. Freemasonry lacks the basic elements of religion. Freemasonry is not a religion nor is it a substitute for religion.
  • Freemasonry advocates no sectarian faith or practise.
  • We seek no converts.
  • We solicit no new members.
  • We raise no money for religious purposes.
  • We have no dogma or theology. Religious discussion is forbidden in a masonic lodge thereby eliminating the chance for any masonic dogma to form.
  • It offers no sacraments and does not claim to lead to salvation by works, by secret knowledge, or by any other means. The secrets of Freemasonry are concerned with the modes of recognition only and not with the means of salvation.
  • By any definition of religion accepted by our critics, we cannot qualify as a religion.
  • Freemasonry supports religion. Freemasonry is far from indifferent to religion. Without interfering in religious practise, it expects each member to follow his own faith.
A man does not subscribe to a new religion, much less to an anti-Christian religion when he becomes a freemason, any more than when he joins any political party or community association. There is nothing in Freemasonry that is opposed to the religion he brings with him into the masonic lodge. Freemasonry does not assert nor does it teach that one religion is as good as another. Freemasonry admits men of all religions. Freemasons believe in religious freedom and that the relationship between the individual and his God is personal, private and sacred.
Freemasonry is a completely tolerant organization. When Freemasonry accepts a Christian, or a Jew, or a Buddhist, or a Mohammedan, it does not accept him as such, but accepts him as a man, worthy to be received into the masonic fraternity.
Freemasonry stands for the values that are supreme in the life of the church and expects each member to follow his own faith and to place his duty to God above all other duties. We are sure that a member who is true to the principles he learns in Freemasonry will be a better church member because of it.

Myth: Pope Clement XII condemned Freemasonry in 1738

Fact: THE POPE DIDN'T DO IT! There are many sources to prove Clement XII was not mentally or physically able to preside over his religious kingdom. What follows is based on information from several of these sources, particularly Papes, Rois, Franc-Macons: L'histoire de la franc-maconnerie des origines a nos jours (Popes, Kings, Freemasons: The History of Freemasonry from its origins to the present) by Charles V. Bokor, 1977. For the whole term of his papacy, Pope Clement XII was blind and sick. He didn't sign the Bull condemning Freemasonry that bore his name. His church has been living under false assumptions as far as it concerns this organization of friends and brothers.
Clement, was 78 when he assumed the papal throne on July 30, 1730, shortly after becoming seriously ill. His health continued to rapidly deteriorate. Within two years after assuming the papal throne he became completely blind. His hand had to be guided to the place where his signature was required on documents.
The pope reportedly said, when he heard about something his nephew and others did that made him unhappy: "Well, let them do as they wish, since they are the bosses anyway."
The suffering of the pope was graphically described by Boker, whose information from many authentic sources was carefully documented. Clement's gout was particularly severe causing him to practically lose his memory. Until his death he was, without question, senile. But it served the purposes of those surrounding him to keep him on the throne.
With the continual deterioration of Pope Clement, Cardinal Nerio Corsini ran the Holy See with tyrannical power. It was he who called together his cohorts to produce the condemnation of Freemasonry. Among these conspirators was the Chief Inquisitor of Florence. The dastardly deed was done on June 25, 1738. Bokor proves that none of these participants were theologians; none were knowledgeable about what they were asked to rubber stamp.
"You don't have to be very clever to see that a man who had been completely blind for six years, who had taken no part in Church business for even longer, who had been suffering from senile debility for two years, could not have been the one who drew up the Bull," writes Boker. "The fact is, he didn't even sign the Bull that was proclaimed in his name." Looking at a photo copy of the document only one name appears. And it's written in the calligraphic style of the balance of the document! Not a single name of those taking part in the atrocity appears anywhere on it!
Freemasonry, if Pope Clement knew anything about it, was never condemned by him. The hierarchy of the Roman Church has been aware of this deception for more than two and one half centuries. Many Roman Catholic theologians and educators have been asked if they could refute the above. None would, or could, touch this subject.
If succeeding Popes had know who the lackies were who did the dastardly deed, would they have jumped on the bandwagon from 1751 onwards? Would they have condemned an organization that believes in the Brotherhood of Man under the Fatherhood of God, an organization that has done nothing but good throughout the ages? The "bull" was the work of the Inquisition -- not Pope Clement XII!

Myth: Freemasons are satanists, because in their Lodges they do not pray to Jesus Christ, but to a generic God

Fact: What rubbish, Freemasonry encompasses all religions. Just because we do not pray to one specific being does not make us satanic. If you follow their logic that we Masons are satanist because we do not pray to Jesus then all Canadians must be satanist because their National Anthem, which in itself is a prayer has the line, "God keep our Land," not Jesus keep our Land. All Americans who sing "God Bless America" which also in itself is a prayer, must be satanic because they do not sing Jesus Bless America, every American who Pledges Allegiance to The Flag, "One Country under God" not One Country under Jesus, must also be a satanist. Why even all Englishmen, must be satanic because they sing "God Save the Queen," not Jesus save the Queen. Anyone who has been a witness in court and who has sworn to tell the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth, "So help me God" must also be satanic, because they do not say So help me Jesus. To say we Masons are satanic is pure rubbish.
In order to become a Mason, one must profess a belief in a Supreme Being. While someone might want to argue that Satan could be considered "Supreme", the fact of the matter is that the entire process of application would discourage someone with behavior which is so deviate from societal norms.
Or what about the variation on that theme: that it's the 33rd Degree (Scottish Rite) Masons who practice Satanism? Or maybe it's some other (undefined) 'high ranking Masons', then. Again, your 'manure detector' should be smelling something pretty foul. Men who spend year after year, decade after decade believing that Freemasonry is morally upright suddenly find they are expected to change their entire belief set to worship Satan just because they've been given some honor or made part of a special group? How silly is that? And, moreso, just how many do you think wouldn't scream to the rooftops about such stupidity?

Myth: Freemasons are worshipping a man rather than Jesus

Fact: The charges are - simply - foolish. The Master of a Lodge - who, when addressed, is given the honorific title of "Worshipful Master" - presides over the meeting of Masons. His duties in the functioning of a lodge are quite similar to that of the President of the local chapter/branch of any other state or provincial organization except as explained below.
Religious Intolerants try to make much out of the title "Worshipful" arguing in turn that Masons:
  • are required to do the Master's bidding in all things;
  • are worshipping a man rather than Jesus;
  • or/and are part of some sort of cult where a 'worshipful master' presides.
At the outset, let's be very clear: the term is one of respect and has nothing whatsoever to do with 'worshipping' of an individual. It is an ancient word usage with a meaning similar to the honorific "Your Honor". Use of the word 'worshipful' continues today in titles such as "The Worshipful Lord Mayor of Dublin" - who is not worshipped in the traditional sense nor is he necessarily a secular Lord - and is certainly not a Lord in a religious sense by anyone's stretch of imagination.
Masons are required to obey the Master of a Lodge as much as but no more than any member of any voluntary association or organization is required to obey the President of that organization. There is nothing more and nothing less involved. Can the President of the local softball club order you to go out and commit murder? Of course not - and neither can the Master of a Lodge! Can s/he direct how you should live your daily life? Of course not. Would he or she compel you to do anything against your religious beliefs or patriotic intentions? Hardly....
What about that claim that Masons are "worshipping" a man rather than Jesus - as some of our more dogmatic "religious intolerants" would assert? Just as you wouldn't worship the president of the local homeowners group, neither would any Mason "worship" the person who is essentially the "president" of their lodge. Considered rationally, it's a total non-issue. It is, however, one of the hooks religious intolerants will try in order to damage Freemasonry's reputation.

Myth: Freemasonry is a secret society.

Fact: Unequivocally false. This is widely stated and believed, even by Freemasons. Many Masons believe this so strongly they won't even talk to their wives and families about the Craft. Many writers of yesteryear helped promote this error. Our ritualists have added to the belief. The critics of Freemasonry want the world to believe in this secrecy because they have little else on which to stand. Yet by no stretch of the imagination can Masonry be termed a secret organization. If it was, no outsiders would even know it exists. Anything that is known is not secret. Without question there are many secret organizations throughout the world, but only men and women within those circles are familiar with them. Most, if not all, ritualistic religions have conclaves (literally: rooms locked with a key from outsiders). Should these be condemned along with Freemasonry? Secret means: "Kept from general knowledge or view; kept hidden; operating in a clandestine manner"; and on and on. Secret groups meet in places known only to the few. Freemasons meet in places clearly marked for the public to see. Secret outfits never record anything that might become public property. All Masonic functions are fully recorded, proceedings can be read by the general public, thousands of books have been written and published about Freemasonry, millions of words about the Craft come off printing presses every year.
Members of secret bands never advertise their affiliation; Freemasons proudly wear the Square and Compasses and other emblems. There are NO SECRETS in Freemasonry. There are several excellent Masonic libraries such as the one in Lexington, but non-Masons rarely visit them. The so-called secrets in Freemasonry have been "revealed" over and over again in books that can be found in any library or large bookstore. With the coming of television these secrets, often distorted, have gone into the homes of millions of people. So let us dispel the myth that Freemasonry is a "secret Organization." It isn't. It never has been. (NOTE: Several Freemasons are so concerned with the statements made in their churches about Masonic secrecy they asked for help in answering their critics. This is an attempt to help them.) 

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